Source code for bec_lib.pdf_writer

This module contains a class for writing pdfs.

import datetime

from fpdf import FPDF

[docs] class BECPDF(FPDF): """Custom PDF class for BEC."""
[docs] def header(self): if not hasattr(self, "title"): return # Arial bold 15 self.set_font("Courier", "", 8) # Calculate width of title and position w = self.get_string_width(self.title) + 6 self.set_x((210 - w) / 2) # Title self.cell(w, 9, self.title, 0, 0, "C") # Line break self.ln(10)
[docs] def footer(self): # Position at 1.5 cm from bottom self.set_y(-15) # Arial italic 8 self.set_font("Courier", "", 8) # Text color in gray self.set_text_color(128) # date self.cell(0, 10, f"BEC, {str(}", 0, 0, "L") # Page number self.cell(0, 10, "Page " + str(self.page_no()), 0, 0, "R")
[docs] class PDFWriter: """Class for writing pdfs.""" LEFT_MARGIN = 25 TOP_MARGIN = 20 RIGHT_MARGIN = 20 FONT_SIZE = 10 def __init__(self, file: str, title: str = None, font="Courier") -> None: """Filer writer for pdfs. Args: file (str): full path to the output file (including file extension). title (str, optional): Title of the document. Defaults to None. """ self.file = file self.title = title self.font = font self._pdf = BECPDF(orientation="P", unit="mm", format="A4") if self.title: self._pdf.set_title(self.title) self._pdf.add_page() self._pdf.set_margins(left=self.LEFT_MARGIN, top=self.TOP_MARGIN, right=self.RIGHT_MARGIN) self._pdf.set_font(self.font, "", self.FONT_SIZE) def __enter__(self): return self def __exit__(self, *exc): self.close()
[docs] def write(self, text: str): """add text to the pdf""" self._pdf.set_x(self.LEFT_MARGIN) self._pdf.multi_cell(0, self.FONT_SIZE // 2, text)
[docs] def close(self): """close the pdf and write to disk""" self._pdf.output(self.file, "F")
if __name__ == "__main__": # pragma: no cover header = ( " \n" * 3 + " ::: ::: ::: ::: :::: ::: ::::::::::: \n" + " :+: :+: :+: :+:+: :+:+: :+:+: :+: :+: \n" + " +:+ +:+ +:+ +:+ +:+:+ +:+ :+:+:+ +:+ +:+ \n" + " +#+ +#++:++#++: +#+ +:+ +#+ +#+ +:+ +#+ +#+ \n" + " +#+ +#+ +#+ +#+ +#+ +#+ +#+#+# +#+ \n" + " #+# #+# #+# #+# #+# #+# #+#+# #+# \n" + " ########## ### ### ### ### ### #### ########### \n" ) with PDFWriter("test_output.pdf") as file: file.write(header)