Source code for bec_lib.serialization

Serialization module for BEC messages

from __future__ import annotations

import contextlib
import gc
import inspect
import json
from abc import abstractmethod

import msgpack as msgpack_module

from bec_lib import messages as messages_module
from bec_lib import numpy_encoder
from bec_lib.logger import bec_logger
from bec_lib.messages import BECMessage, BECStatus

logger = bec_logger.logger

[docs] def encode_bec_message_v12(msg): if not isinstance(msg, BECMessage): return msg msg_version = 1.2 msg_body = msgpack.dumps(msg.__dict__) msg_header = json.dumps({"msg_type": msg.msg_type}).encode() header = f"BECMSG_{msg_version}_{len(msg_header)}_{len(msg_body)}_EOH_".encode() return header + msg_header + msg_body
[docs] def decode_bec_message_v12(raw_bytes): try: # kept for the record: # offset = MsgpackSerialization.ext_type_offset_to_data[raw_bytes[0]] # (was not so easy to find from msgpack doc) if raw_bytes.startswith(b"BECMSG"): version = float(raw_bytes[7:10]) if version < 1.2: raise RuntimeError(f"Unsupported BECMessage version {version}") except Exception as exception: raise RuntimeError("Failed to decode BECMessage") from exception try: declaration, msg_header_body = raw_bytes.split(b"_EOH_", maxsplit=1) _, version, header_length, _ = declaration.split(b"_") header = msg_header_body[: int(header_length)] body = msg_header_body[int(header_length) :] header = json.loads(header.decode()) msg_body = msgpack.loads(body) msg_class = get_message_class(header.pop("msg_type")) msg = msg_class(**header, **msg_body) except Exception as exception: raise RuntimeError("Failed to decode BECMessage") from exception # shouldn't this be checked when the msg is used? or when the message is created? return msg
[docs] def encode_bec_status(status): if not isinstance(status, BECStatus): return status return status.value.to_bytes(1, "big") # int.to_bytes
[docs] def decode_bec_status(value): return BECStatus(int.from_bytes(value, "big"))
[docs] def encode_set(obj): if isinstance(obj, set): return {"__msgpack__": {"type": "set", "data": list(obj)}} return obj
[docs] def decode_set(obj): if isinstance(obj, dict) and "__msgpack__" in obj and obj["__msgpack__"]["type"] == "set": return set(obj["__msgpack__"]["data"]) return obj
[docs] class SerializationRegistry: """Registry for serialization codecs""" def __init__(self): self._encoder = [] self._ext_decoder = {} self._object_hook_decoder = []
[docs] def register_ext_type(self, encoder, decoder): """Register an encoder and a decoder The order registrations are made counts, the encoding process is done in the same order until a compatible encoder is found. Args: encoder: Function encoding a data into a serializable data. decoder: Function decoding a serialized data into a usable data. """ exttype = len(self._ext_decoder) if exttype in self._ext_decoder: raise ValueError("ExtType %d already used" % exttype) self._encoder.append((encoder, exttype)) self._ext_decoder[exttype] = decoder
[docs] def register_object_hook(self, encoder, decoder): """Register an encoder and a decoder that can convert a python object into data which can be serialized by msgpack. Args: encoder: Function encoding a data into a data serializable by msgpack decoder: Function decoding a python structure provided by msgpack into an usable data. """ self._encoder.append((encoder, None)) self._object_hook_decoder.append(decoder)
[docs] def register_numpy(self, use_list=False): """ Register BEC custom numpy encoder as a codec. """ if use_list: self.register_object_hook( numpy_encoder.numpy_encode_list, numpy_encoder.numpy_decode_list ) else: self.register_object_hook(numpy_encoder.numpy_encode, numpy_encoder.numpy_decode)
[docs] def register_bec_message(self): """ Register codec for BECMessage """ # order matters self.register_ext_type(encode_bec_status, decode_bec_status) self.register_ext_type(encode_bec_message_v12, decode_bec_message_v12)
[docs] def register_set_encoder(self): """ Register codec for set """ self.register_object_hook(encode_set, decode_set)
[docs] class MsgpackExt(SerializationRegistry): """Encapsulates msgpack dumps/loads with extensions""" def _default(self, obj): for encoder, exttype in self._encoder: result = encoder(obj) if result is obj: # Nothing was done, assume this encoder do not support this # object kind continue if exttype is not None: return msgpack_module.ExtType(exttype, result) return result raise TypeError("Unknown type: %r" % (obj,)) def _ext_hooks(self, code, data): decoder = self._ext_decoder.get(code, None) if decoder is not None: obj = decoder(data) return obj return msgpack_module.ExtType(code, data) def _object_hook(self, data): for decoder in self._object_hook_decoder: try: result = decoder(data) except TypeError: continue if data is not result: # In case the input is not the same as the output, # consider it found the good decoder and it worked break else: return data return result
[docs] def dumps(self, obj): """Pack object `o` and return packed bytes.""" return msgpack_module.packb(obj, default=self._default)
def loads(self, raw_bytes, raw=False, strict_map_key=True): return msgpack_module.unpackb( raw_bytes, object_hook=self._object_hook, ext_hook=self._ext_hooks, raw=raw, strict_map_key=strict_map_key, )
[docs] class JsonExt(SerializationRegistry): """Encapsulates JSON dumps/loads with extensions""" def _default(self, obj): for encoder, _ in self._encoder: result = encoder(obj) if result is obj: # Nothing was done, assume this encoder does not support this # object kind continue return result def _ext_hooks(self, data): for decoder in self._object_hook_decoder: try: result = decoder(data) except TypeError: continue if data is not result: # In case the input is not the same as the output, # consider it found the good decoder and it worked break else: return data return result
[docs] def dumps(self, obj): """Serialize object `obj` and return serialized JSON string.""" return json.dumps(obj, default=self._default)
[docs] def loads(self, json_str): """Deserialize JSON string `json_str` and return the deserialized object.""" return json.loads(json_str, object_hook=self._ext_hooks)
json_ext = JsonExt() json_ext.register_numpy(use_list=True) json_ext.register_bec_message() json_ext.register_set_encoder() msgpack = MsgpackExt() msgpack.register_numpy() msgpack.register_bec_message() msgpack.register_set_encoder()
[docs] class SerializationInterface: """Base class for message serialization"""
[docs] @abstractmethod def loads(self, msg, **kwargs) -> dict: """load and de-serialize a message"""
[docs] @abstractmethod def dumps(self, msg, **kwargs) -> str: """serialize a message"""
[docs] def get_message_class(msg_type: str): """Given a message type, tries to find the corresponding message class in the module""" module = messages_module # convert snake_style to CamelCase class_name = "".join(part.title() for part in msg_type.split("_")) try: # maybe as easy as that... klass = getattr(module, class_name) # belts and braces if getattr(klass, "msg_type") == msg_type: return klass except AttributeError: # try better module_classes = inspect.getmembers(module, inspect.isclass) for class_name, klass in module_classes: try: klass_msg_type = getattr(klass, "msg_type") except AttributeError: continue else: if msg_type == klass_msg_type: return klass
[docs] @contextlib.contextmanager def pause_gc(): """Pause the garbage collector while doing a lot of allocations, to prevent intempestive collect in case of big messages or if a lot of strings allocated; this follows the advice here: Maybe should be limited to big messages? Didn't evaluated the cost of pausing/re-enabling the GC """ gc.disable() try: yield finally: gc.enable()
[docs] class MsgpackSerialization(SerializationInterface): """Message serialization using msgpack encoding""" ext_type_offset_to_data = {199: 3, 200: 4, 201: 6}
[docs] @staticmethod def loads(msg) -> dict: with pause_gc(): try: msg = msgpack.loads(msg) except Exception as exception: raise RuntimeError("Failed to decode BECMessage") from exception else: if isinstance(msg, BECMessage): if msg.msg_type == "bundle_message": return msg.messages return msg
[docs] @staticmethod def dumps(msg, version=None) -> str: if version is None or version == 1.2: return msgpack.dumps(msg) raise RuntimeError(f"Unsupported BECMessage version {version}.")