Source code for bec_lib.scibec_validator

This module provides a class to validate the device configuration against the openapi schema of SciBec.

import json
import os

import fastjsonschema

import bec_lib

[docs] class SciBecValidator: def __init__(self, schema_path: str = None) -> None: if not schema_path: schema_path = f"{os.path.dirname(bec_lib.__file__)}/configs/openapi_schema.json" self.schema = self._load_schema(schema_path) self.device_schema = self.schema["components"]["schemas"]["Device"] self.device_validate = fastjsonschema.compile(self.device_schema) def _load_schema(self, schema_path) -> dict: with open(schema_path, "r", encoding="utf-8") as schema_file: content = schema_content = json.loads(content) return schema_content def validate_device(self, device): self.device_validate(device) def validate_device_patch(self, config): properties = {k: v for k, v in self.device_schema["properties"].items() if k in config} schema = {"properties": properties, "required": []} fastjsonschema.validate(schema, config)