Source code for bec_lib.redis_connector

This module provides a connector to a redis server. It is a wrapper around the
redis library providing a simple interface to send and receive messages from a
redis server.

from __future__ import annotations

import collections
import inspect
import itertools
import queue
import sys
import threading
import time
import warnings
from import MutableMapping, Sequence
from dataclasses import dataclass
from functools import wraps
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Optional

import louie
import redis
import redis.client
import redis.exceptions

from bec_lib.connector import ConnectorBase, MessageObject
from bec_lib.endpoints import EndpointInfo, MessageEndpoints
from bec_lib.logger import bec_logger
from bec_lib.messages import AlarmMessage, BECMessage, ClientInfoMessage, LogMessage
from bec_lib.serialization import MsgpackSerialization

    from bec_lib.alarm_handler import Alarms

[docs] def validate_endpoint(endpoint_arg): def decorator(func): argspec = inspect.getfullargspec(func) argument_index = argspec.args.index(endpoint_arg) @wraps(func) def wrapper(*args, **kwargs): try: endpoint = args[argument_index] arg = list(args) except IndexError: endpoint = kwargs[endpoint_arg] arg = kwargs if isinstance(endpoint, str): warnings.warn( "RedisConnector methods with a string topic are deprecated and should not be used anymore. Use RedisConnector methods with an EndpointInfo instead.", DeprecationWarning, ) return func(*args, **kwargs) elif isinstance(endpoint, EndpointInfo): if func.__name__ not in endpoint.message_op: raise ValueError( f"Endpoint {endpoint} is not compatible with {func.__name__} method" ) if isinstance(arg, list): arg[argument_index] = endpoint.endpoint return func(*arg, **kwargs) else: arg[endpoint_arg] = endpoint.endpoint return func(*args, **arg) else: raise TypeError(f"Endpoint {endpoint} is not EndpointInfo") return wrapper return decorator
[docs] @dataclass class StreamSubscriptionInfo: id: str topic: str newest_only: bool from_start: bool cb_ref: callable kwargs: dict def __eq__(self, other): if not isinstance(other, StreamSubscriptionInfo): return False return ( self.topic == other.topic and self.cb_ref == other.cb_ref and self.from_start == other.from_start )
[docs] @dataclass class DirectReadingStreamSubscriptionInfo(StreamSubscriptionInfo): thread = None stop_event = None
[docs] @dataclass class StreamMessage: msg: dict callbacks: list
[docs] class RedisConnector(ConnectorBase): """ Redis connector class. This class is a wrapper around the redis library providing a simple interface to send and receive messages from a redis server. """ def __init__(self, bootstrap: list, redis_cls=None): """ Initialize the connector Args: bootstrap (list): list of strings in the form "host:port" redis_cls (redis.client, optional): redis client class. Defaults to None. """ super().__init__(bootstrap), self.port = ( bootstrap[0].split(":") if isinstance(bootstrap, list) else bootstrap.split(":") ) if redis_cls: self._redis_conn = redis_cls(, port=self.port) else: self._redis_conn = redis.Redis(, port=self.port) # main pubsub connection self._pubsub_conn = self._redis_conn.pubsub() self._pubsub_conn.ignore_subscribe_messages = True # keep track of topics and callbacks self._topics_cb = collections.defaultdict(list) self._topics_cb_lock = threading.Lock() self._stream_topics_subscription = collections.defaultdict(list) self._stream_topics_subscription_lock = threading.Lock() self._events_listener_thread = None self._stream_events_listener_thread = None self._events_dispatcher_thread = None self._messages_queue = queue.Queue() self._stop_events_listener_thread = threading.Event() self._stop_stream_events_listener_thread = threading.Event() self.stream_keys = {}
[docs] def shutdown(self): """ Shutdown the connector """ super().shutdown() if self._events_listener_thread: self._stop_events_listener_thread.set() self._events_listener_thread.join() self._events_listener_thread = None if self._stream_events_listener_thread: self._stop_stream_events_listener_thread.set() self._stream_events_listener_thread.join() self._stream_events_listener_thread = None if self._events_dispatcher_thread: self._messages_queue.put(StopIteration) self._events_dispatcher_thread.join() self._events_dispatcher_thread = None # this will take care of shutting down direct listening threads self._unregister_stream(self._stream_topics_subscription) # release all connections self._pubsub_conn.close() self._redis_conn.close()
[docs] def send_client_info( self, message: str, rid: str = None, source: str = None, severity: int = 0, show_asap: bool = False, scope: str = None, metadata: dict = None, ): """ Send a message to the client Args: msg (str): message """ client_msg = ClientInfoMessage( message=message, source=source, severity=severity, show_asap=show_asap, scope=scope, RID=rid, metadata=metadata, ) self.xadd(MessageEndpoints.client_info(), msg_dict={"data": client_msg}, max_size=100)
[docs] def raise_alarm(self, severity: Alarms, alarm_type: str, source: str, msg: str, metadata: dict): """ Raise an alarm Args: severity (Alarms): alarm severity alarm_type (str): alarm type source (str): source msg (str): message metadata (dict): metadata """ alarm_msg = AlarmMessage( severity=severity, alarm_type=alarm_type, source=source, msg=msg, metadata=metadata ) self.set_and_publish(MessageEndpoints.alarm(), alarm_msg)
[docs] def pipeline(self) -> redis.client.Pipeline: """Create a new pipeline""" return self._redis_conn.pipeline()
[docs] def execute_pipeline(self, pipeline) -> list: """ Execute a pipeline and return the results Args: pipeline (Pipeline): redis pipeline Returns: list: list of results """ if not isinstance(pipeline, redis.client.Pipeline): raise TypeError(f"Expected a redis Pipeline, got {type(pipeline)}") ret = [] results = pipeline.execute() for res in results: try: ret.append(MsgpackSerialization.loads(res)) except RuntimeError: ret.append(res) return ret
[docs] def raw_send(self, topic: str, msg: bytes, pipe=None): """ Send a message to a topic. This is the raw version of send, it does not check the message type. Use this method if you want to send a message that is not a BECMessage. Args: topic (str): topic msg (bytes): message pipe (Pipeline, optional): redis pipe. Defaults to None. """ client = pipe if pipe is not None else self._redis_conn client.publish(topic, msg)
[docs] @validate_endpoint("topic") def send(self, topic: EndpointInfo, msg: BECMessage, pipe=None) -> None: """ Send a message to a topic Args: topic (str): topic msg (BECMessage): message pipe (Pipeline, optional): redis pipe. Defaults to None. """ if not isinstance(msg, BECMessage): raise TypeError(f"Message {msg} is not a BECMessage") self.raw_send(topic, MsgpackSerialization.dumps(msg), pipe)
def _start_events_dispatcher_thread(self, start_thread): if start_thread and self._events_dispatcher_thread is None: # start dispatcher thread started_event = threading.Event() self._events_dispatcher_thread = threading.Thread( target=self._dispatch_events, args=(started_event,) ) self._events_dispatcher_thread.start() started_event.wait() # synchronization of thread start def _convert_endpointinfo(self, endpoint, check_message_op=True): if isinstance(endpoint, EndpointInfo): return [endpoint.endpoint], if isinstance(endpoint, str): return [endpoint], "" # Support list of endpoints or dict with endpoints as keys if isinstance(endpoint, (Sequence, MutableMapping)): endpoints_str = [] ref_message_op = None for e in endpoint: e_str, message_op = self._convert_endpointinfo(e, check_message_op=check_message_op) if check_message_op: if ref_message_op is None: ref_message_op = message_op else: if message_op != ref_message_op: raise ValueError( f"All endpoints do not have the same type: {ref_message_op}" ) endpoints_str.append(e_str) return list(itertools.chain(*endpoints_str)), ref_message_op or "" raise ValueError(f"Invalid endpoint {endpoint}") def _normalize_patterns(self, patterns): patterns, _ = self._convert_endpointinfo(patterns) if isinstance(patterns, str): return [patterns] elif isinstance(patterns, list): if not all(isinstance(p, str) for p in patterns): raise ValueError("register: patterns must be a string or a list of strings") else: raise ValueError("register: patterns must be a string or a list of strings") return patterns
[docs] def register( self, topics: str | list[str] | EndpointInfo | list[EndpointInfo] = None, patterns: str | list[str] = None, cb: callable = None, start_thread: bool = True, from_start: bool = False, newest_only: bool = False, **kwargs, ): """ Register a callback for a topic or a pattern Args: topics (str, list, EndpointInfo, list[EndpointInfo], optional): topic or list of topics. Defaults to None. The topic should be a valid message endpoint in BEC and can be a string or an EndpointInfo object. patterns (str, list, optional): pattern or list of patterns. Defaults to None. In contrast to topics, patterns may contain "*" wildcards. The evaluated patterns should be a valid pub/sub message endpoint in BEC cb (callable, optional): callback. Defaults to None. start_thread (bool, optional): start the dispatcher thread. Defaults to True. from_start (bool, optional): for streams only: return data from start on first reading. Defaults to False. newest_only (bool, optional): for streams only: return newest data only. Defaults to False. **kwargs: additional keyword arguments to be transmitted to the callback Examples: >>> def my_callback(msg, **kwargs): ... print(msg) ... >>> connector.register("test", my_callback) >>> connector.register(topics="test", cb=my_callback) >>> connector.register(patterns="test:*", cb=my_callback) >>> connector.register(patterns="test:*", cb=my_callback, start_thread=False) >>> connector.register(patterns="test:*", cb=my_callback, start_thread=False, my_arg="test") """ if cb is None: raise ValueError("Callback cb cannot be None") if topics is None and patterns is None: raise ValueError("topics and patterns cannot be both None") # make a weakref from the callable, using louie; # it can create safe refs for simple functions as well as methods cb_ref = louie.saferef.safe_ref(cb) item = (cb_ref, kwargs) if self._events_listener_thread is None: # create the thread that will get all messages for this connector; self._events_listener_thread = threading.Thread( target=self._get_messages_loop, args=(self._pubsub_conn,) ) self._events_listener_thread.start() if patterns is not None: patterns = self._normalize_patterns(patterns) self._pubsub_conn.psubscribe(patterns) with self._topics_cb_lock: for pattern in patterns: if item not in self._topics_cb[pattern]: self._topics_cb[pattern].append(item) else: topics, message_op = self._convert_endpointinfo(topics) if message_op == "STREAM": return self._register_stream( topics=topics, cb=cb, from_start=from_start, newest_only=newest_only, start_thread=start_thread, **kwargs, ) self._pubsub_conn.subscribe(topics) with self._topics_cb_lock: for topic in topics: if item not in self._topics_cb[topic]: self._topics_cb[topic].append(item) self._start_events_dispatcher_thread(start_thread)
def _add_direct_stream_listener(self, topic, cb_ref, **kwargs) -> int: """ Add a direct listener for a topic. This is used when newest_only is True. Args: topic (str): topic cb (callable): weakref to callback kwargs (dict): additional keyword arguments to be transmitted to the callback Returns: int: stream id """ info = DirectReadingStreamSubscriptionInfo( id="-", topic=topic, newest_only=True, from_start=False, cb_ref=cb_ref, kwargs=kwargs ) if info in self._stream_topics_subscription[topic]: raise RuntimeError("Already registered stream topic with the same callback") info.stop_event = threading.Event() info.thread = threading.Thread(target=self._direct_stream_listener, args=(info,)) with self._stream_topics_subscription_lock: self._stream_topics_subscription[topic].append(info) info.thread.start() def _direct_stream_listener(self, info: DirectReadingStreamSubscriptionInfo): stop_event = info.stop_event cb_ref = info.cb_ref kwargs = info.kwargs topic = info.topic while not stop_event.is_set(): ret = self._redis_conn.xrevrange(topic, "+",, count=1) if not ret: time.sleep(0.1) continue redis_id, msg_dict = ret[0] timestamp, _, ind = redis_id.partition(b"-") = f"{timestamp.decode()}-{int(ind.decode())+1}" stream_msg = StreamMessage( {key.decode(): MsgpackSerialization.loads(val) for key, val in msg_dict.items()}, ((cb_ref, kwargs),), ) self._messages_queue.put(stream_msg) def _get_stream_topics_id(self) -> dict: stream_topics_id = {} from_start_stream_topics_id = {} with self._stream_topics_subscription_lock: for topic, subscription_info_list in self._stream_topics_subscription.items(): for info in subscription_info_list: if isinstance(info, DirectReadingStreamSubscriptionInfo): continue if info.from_start: from_start_stream_topics_id[topic] = else: stream_topics_id[topic] = return from_start_stream_topics_id, stream_topics_id def _handle_stream_msg_list(self, msg_list, from_start=False): for topic, msgs in msg_list: subscription_info_list = self._stream_topics_subscription[topic.decode()] for index, record in msgs: callbacks = [] for info in subscription_info_list: = index.decode() if from_start and not info.from_start: continue callbacks.append((info.cb_ref, info.kwargs)) if callbacks: msg_dict = { k.decode(): MsgpackSerialization.loads(msg) for k, msg in record.items() } msg = StreamMessage(msg_dict, callbacks) self._messages_queue.put(msg) for info in subscription_info_list: info.from_start = False def _get_stream_messages_loop(self) -> None: """ Get stream messages loop. This method is run in a separate thread and listens for messages from the redis server. """ error = False while not self._stop_stream_events_listener_thread.is_set(): try: from_start_stream_topics_id, stream_topics_id = self._get_stream_topics_id() if not any((stream_topics_id, from_start_stream_topics_id)): time.sleep(0.1) continue msg_list = [] from_start_msg_list = [] # first handle the 'from_start' streams ; # in the case of reading from start what is expected is to call the # callbacks for existing items, without waiting for a new element to be added # to the stream if from_start_stream_topics_id: # read the streams contents from beginning, not blocking from_start_msg_list = self._redis_conn.xread(from_start_stream_topics_id) if stream_topics_id: msg_list = self._redis_conn.xread(stream_topics_id, block=200) except redis.exceptions.ConnectionError: if not error: error = True bec_logger.logger.error("Failed to connect to redis. Is the server running?") time.sleep(1) # pylint: disable=broad-except except Exception: sys.excepthook(*sys.exc_info()) else: error = False with self._stream_topics_subscription_lock: self._handle_stream_msg_list(from_start_msg_list, from_start=True) self._handle_stream_msg_list(msg_list) return True def _register_stream( self, topics: list[str] = None, cb: callable = None, from_start: bool = False, newest_only: bool = False, start_thread: bool = True, **kwargs, ) -> None: """ Register a callback for a stream topic or pattern Args: topic (str, optional): Topic. This should be a valid message endpoint string. cb (callable, optional): callback. Defaults to None. from_start (bool, optional): read from start. Defaults to False. newest_only (bool, optional): read newest only. Defaults to False. start_thread (bool, optional): start the dispatcher thread. Defaults to True. **kwargs: additional keyword arguments to be transmitted to the callback """ if newest_only and from_start: raise ValueError("newest_only and from_start cannot be both True") # make a weakref from the callable, using louie; # it can create safe refs for simple functions as well as methods cb_ref = louie.saferef.safe_ref(cb) self._start_events_dispatcher_thread(start_thread) if newest_only: # if newest_only is True, we need to provide a separate callback for each topic, # directly calling the callback. This is because we need to have a backpressure # mechanism in place, and we cannot rely on the dispatcher thread to handle it. for topic in topics: self._add_direct_stream_listener(topic, cb_ref, **kwargs) else: with self._stream_topics_subscription_lock: for topic in topics: new_subscription = StreamSubscriptionInfo( id="0-0" if from_start else "$", topic=topic, newest_only=newest_only, from_start=from_start, cb_ref=cb_ref, kwargs=kwargs, ) subscriptions = self._stream_topics_subscription[topic] if new_subscription in subscriptions: # raise an error if attempted to register a stream with the same callback, # whereas it has already been registered as a 'direct reading' stream with # newest_only=True ; it is clearly an error case that would produce weird results index = subscriptions.index(new_subscription) if isinstance(subscriptions[index], DirectReadingStreamSubscriptionInfo): raise RuntimeError( "Already registered stream topic with the same callback with 'newest_only=True'" ) else: subscriptions.append(new_subscription) if self._stream_events_listener_thread is None: # create the thread that will get all messages for this connector self._stream_events_listener_thread = threading.Thread( target=self._get_stream_messages_loop ) self._stream_events_listener_thread.start() def _filter_topics_cb(self, topics: list, cb: Union[callable, None]): unsubscribe_list = [] with self._topics_cb_lock: for topic in topics: topics_cb = self._topics_cb[topic] # remove callback from list self._topics_cb[topic] = list( filter(lambda item: cb and item[0]() is not cb, topics_cb) ) if not self._topics_cb[topic]: # no callbacks left, unsubscribe unsubscribe_list.append(topic) # clean the topics that have been unsubscribed for topic in unsubscribe_list: del self._topics_cb[topic] return unsubscribe_list
[docs] def unregister(self, topics=None, patterns=None, cb=None): if self._events_listener_thread is None: return if patterns is not None: patterns = self._normalize_patterns(patterns) # see if registered streams can be unregistered for pattern in patterns: self._unregister_stream( fnmatch.filter(self._stream_topics_subscription, pattern), cb ) pubsub_unsubscribe_list = self._filter_topics_cb(patterns, cb) if pubsub_unsubscribe_list: self._pubsub_conn.punsubscribe(pubsub_unsubscribe_list) else: topics, _ = self._convert_endpointinfo(topics, check_message_op=False) if not self._unregister_stream(topics, cb): unsubscribe_list = self._filter_topics_cb(topics, cb) if unsubscribe_list: self._pubsub_conn.unsubscribe(unsubscribe_list)
def _unregister_stream(self, topics: list[str], cb: callable = None) -> bool: """ Unregister a stream listener. Args: topics (list[str]): list of stream topics Returns: bool: True if the stream listener has been removed, False otherwise """ unsubscribe_list = [] with self._stream_topics_subscription_lock: for topic in topics: subscription_infos = self._stream_topics_subscription[topic] # remove from list if callback corresponds self._stream_topics_subscription[topic] = list( filter(lambda sub_info: cb and sub_info.cb_ref() is not cb, subscription_infos) ) if not self._stream_topics_subscription[topic]: # no callbacks left, unsubscribe unsubscribe_list += subscription_infos # clean the topics that have been unsubscribed for subscription_info in unsubscribe_list: if isinstance(subscription_info, DirectReadingStreamSubscriptionInfo): subscription_info.stop_event.set() subscription_info.thread.join() # it is possible to register the same stream multiple times with different # callbacks, in this case when unregistering with cb=None (unregister all) # the topic can be deleted multiple times, hence try...except in code below try: del self._stream_topics_subscription[subscription_info.topic] except KeyError: pass return len(unsubscribe_list) > 0 def _get_messages_loop(self, pubsub: redis.client.PubSub) -> None: """ Get messages loop. This method is run in a separate thread and listens for messages from the redis server. Args: pubsub (redis.client.PubSub): pubsub object """ error = False while not self._stop_events_listener_thread.is_set(): try: msg = pubsub.get_message(timeout=1) except redis.exceptions.ConnectionError: if not error: error = True bec_logger.logger.error("Failed to connect to redis. Is the server running?") time.sleep(1) # pylint: disable=broad-except except Exception: sys.excepthook(*sys.exc_info()) else: error = False if msg is not None: self._messages_queue.put(msg) def _execute_callback(self, cb, msg, kwargs): try: cb(msg, **kwargs) # pylint: disable=broad-except except Exception: sys.excepthook(*sys.exc_info()) def _handle_stream_message(self, stream_msg): for cb_ref, kwargs in stream_msg.callbacks: cb = cb_ref() if cb: self._execute_callback(cb, stream_msg.msg, kwargs) return True def _handle_message(self, msg): if isinstance(msg, StreamMessage): return self._handle_stream_message(msg) channel = msg["channel"].decode() with self._topics_cb_lock: if msg["pattern"] is not None: callbacks = self._topics_cb[msg["pattern"].decode()] else: callbacks = self._topics_cb[channel] msg = MessageObject(topic=channel, value=MsgpackSerialization.loads(msg["data"])) for cb_ref, kwargs in callbacks: cb = cb_ref() if cb: self._execute_callback(cb, msg, kwargs) return True
[docs] def poll_messages(self, timeout=None) -> None: """Poll messages from the messages queue If timeout is None, wait for at least one message. Processes until queue is empty, or until timeout is reached. Args: timeout (float): timeout in seconds """ start_time = time.perf_counter() remaining_timeout = timeout while True: try: # wait for a message and return it before timeout expires msg = self._messages_queue.get(timeout=remaining_timeout, block=True) except queue.Empty as exc: if remaining_timeout < timeout: # at least one message has been processed, so we do not raise # the timeout error return True raise TimeoutError(f"{self}: timeout waiting for messages") from exc else: if msg is StopIteration: return False self._handle_message(msg) if timeout is None: if self._messages_queue.empty(): # no message to process return True else: # calculate how much time remains and retry getting a message remaining_timeout = timeout - (time.perf_counter() - start_time) if remaining_timeout <= 0: return True
def _dispatch_events(self, started_event): started_event.set() while self.poll_messages(): ...
[docs] @validate_endpoint("topic") def lpush( self, topic: EndpointInfo, msg: str, pipe=None, max_size: int = None, expire: int = None ) -> None: """Time complexity: O(1) for each element added, so O(N) to add N elements when the command is called with multiple arguments. Insert all the specified values at the head of the list stored at key. If key does not exist, it is created as empty list before performing the push operations. When key holds a value that is not a list, an error is returned.""" client = pipe if pipe is not None else self.pipeline() if isinstance(msg, BECMessage): msg = MsgpackSerialization.dumps(msg) client.lpush(topic, msg) if max_size: client.ltrim(topic, 0, max_size) if expire: client.expire(topic, expire) if not pipe: client.execute()
[docs] @validate_endpoint("topic") def lset(self, topic: EndpointInfo, index: int, msg: str, pipe=None) -> None: client = pipe if pipe is not None else self._redis_conn if isinstance(msg, BECMessage): msg = MsgpackSerialization.dumps(msg) return client.lset(topic, index, msg)
[docs] @validate_endpoint("topic") def rpush(self, topic: EndpointInfo, msg: str, pipe=None) -> int: """O(1) for each element added, so O(N) to add N elements when the command is called with multiple arguments. Insert all the specified values at the tail of the list stored at key. If key does not exist, it is created as empty list before performing the push operation. When key holds a value that is not a list, an error is returned.""" client = pipe if pipe is not None else self._redis_conn if isinstance(msg, BECMessage): msg = MsgpackSerialization.dumps(msg) return client.rpush(topic, msg)
[docs] @validate_endpoint("topic") def lrange(self, topic: EndpointInfo, start: int, end: int, pipe=None): """O(S+N) where S is the distance of start offset from HEAD for small lists, from nearest end (HEAD or TAIL) for large lists; and N is the number of elements in the specified range. Returns the specified elements of the list stored at key. The offsets start and stop are zero-based indexes, with 0 being the first element of the list (the head of the list), 1 being the next element and so on.""" client = pipe if pipe is not None else self._redis_conn cmd_result = client.lrange(topic, start, end) if pipe: return cmd_result # in case of command executed in a pipe, use 'execute_pipeline' method ret = [] for msg in cmd_result: try: ret.append(MsgpackSerialization.loads(msg)) except RuntimeError: ret.append(msg) return ret
[docs] @validate_endpoint("topic") def set_and_publish(self, topic: EndpointInfo, msg, pipe=None, expire: int = None) -> None: """piped combination of self.publish and self.set""" client = pipe if pipe is not None else self.pipeline() if not isinstance(msg, BECMessage): raise TypeError(f"Message {msg} is not a BECMessage") msg = MsgpackSerialization.dumps(msg) self.set(topic, msg, pipe=client, expire=expire) self.raw_send(topic, msg, pipe=client) if not pipe: client.execute()
[docs] @validate_endpoint("topic") def set(self, topic: EndpointInfo, msg, pipe=None, expire: int = None) -> None: """set redis value""" client = pipe if pipe is not None else self._redis_conn if isinstance(msg, BECMessage): msg = MsgpackSerialization.dumps(msg) client.set(topic, msg, ex=expire)
[docs] @validate_endpoint("pattern") def keys(self, pattern: EndpointInfo) -> list: """returns all keys matching a pattern""" return self._redis_conn.keys(pattern)
[docs] @validate_endpoint("topic") def delete(self, topic: EndpointInfo, pipe=None): """delete topic""" client = pipe if pipe is not None else self._redis_conn client.delete(topic)
[docs] @validate_endpoint("topic") def get(self, topic: EndpointInfo, pipe=None): """retrieve entry, either via hgetall or get""" client = pipe if pipe is not None else self._redis_conn data = client.get(topic) if pipe: return data else: try: return MsgpackSerialization.loads(data) except RuntimeError: return data
[docs] @validate_endpoint("topic") def xadd( self, topic: EndpointInfo, msg_dict: dict, max_size=None, pipe=None, expire: int = None ): """ add to stream Args: topic (str): redis topic msg_dict (dict): message to add max_size (int, optional): max size of stream. Defaults to None. pipe (Pipeline, optional): redis pipe. Defaults to None. expire (int, optional): expire time. Defaults to None. Examples: >>> redis.xadd("test", {"test": "test"}) >>> redis.xadd("test", {"test": "test"}, max_size=10) """ if pipe: client = pipe elif expire: client = self.pipeline() else: client = self._redis_conn msg_dict = {key: MsgpackSerialization.dumps(val) for key, val in msg_dict.items()} if max_size: client.xadd(topic, msg_dict, maxlen=max_size) else: client.xadd(topic, msg_dict) if expire: client.expire(topic, expire) if not pipe and expire: client.execute()
[docs] @validate_endpoint("topic") def get_last(self, topic: EndpointInfo, key=None, count=1): """ Get last message from stream. Repeated calls will return the same message until a new message is added to the stream. Args: topic (str): redis topic key (str, optional): key to retrieve. Defaults to None. If None, the whole message is returned. count (int, optional): number of last elements to retrieve """ if count <= 0: return None ret = [] client = self._redis_conn try: res = client.xrevrange(topic, "+", "-", count=count) if not res: return None for _, msg_dict in reversed(res): ret.append( {k.decode(): MsgpackSerialization.loads(msg) for k, msg in msg_dict.items()} if key is None else MsgpackSerialization.loads(msg_dict[key.encode()]) ) except TypeError: return None if count > 1: return ret else: return ret[0]
[docs] @validate_endpoint("topic") def xread( self, topic: EndpointInfo, id: str = None, count: int = None, block: int = None, from_start=False, ) -> list: """ read from stream Args: topic (str): redis topic id (str, optional): id to read from. Defaults to None. count (int, optional): number of messages to read. Defaults to None, which means all. block (int, optional): block for x milliseconds. Defaults to None. from_start (bool, optional): read from start. Defaults to False. Returns: [list]: list of messages Examples: >>> redis.xread("test", "0-0") >>> redis.xread("test", "0-0", count=1) # read one message at a time >>> key = 0 >>> msg = redis.xread("test", key, count=1) >>> key = msg[0][1][0][0] >>> next_msg = redis.xread("test", key, count=1) """ client = self._redis_conn if from_start: self.stream_keys[topic] = "0-0" if topic not in self.stream_keys: if id is None: try: msg = client.xrevrange(topic, "+", "-", count=1) if msg: self.stream_keys[topic] = msg[0][0].decode() out = {} for key, val in msg[0][1].items(): out[key.decode()] = MsgpackSerialization.loads(val) return [out] self.stream_keys[topic] = "0-0" except redis.exceptions.ResponseError: self.stream_keys[topic] = "0-0" if id is None: id = self.stream_keys[topic] msg = client.xread({topic: id}, count=count, block=block) return self._decode_stream_messages_xread(msg)
def _decode_stream_messages_xread(self, msg): out = [] for topic, msgs in msg: for index, record in msgs: out.append( {k.decode(): MsgpackSerialization.loads(msg) for k, msg in record.items()} ) self.stream_keys[topic.decode()] = index return out if out else None
[docs] @validate_endpoint("topic") def xrange(self, topic: EndpointInfo, min: str, max: str, count: int = None): """ read a range from stream Args: topic (str): redis topic min (str): min id. Use "-" to read from start max (str): max id. Use "+" to read to end count (int, optional): number of messages to read. Defaults to None. Returns: [list]: list of messages or None """ client = self._redis_conn msgs = [] for reading in client.xrange(topic, min, max, count=count): _, msg_dict = reading msgs.append( {k.decode(): MsgpackSerialization.loads(msg) for k, msg in msg_dict.items()} ) return msgs if msgs else None
[docs] def producer(self): """Return itself as a producer, to be compatible with old code""" warnings.warn( "RedisConnector.producer() is deprecated and should not be used anymore. A Connector is a producer now, just use the connector object.", FutureWarning, ) return self
[docs] def consumer( self, topics=None, patterns=None, group_id=None, event=None, cb=None, threaded=True, name=None, **kwargs, ): """Return a fake thread object to be compatible with old code In order to keep this fail-safe and simple it uses 'mock'... """ from unittest.mock import ( # import is done here, to not pollute the file with something normally in tests Mock, ) warnings.warn( "RedisConnector.consumer() is deprecated and should not be used anymore. Use RedisConnector.register() with 'topics', 'patterns', 'cb' or 'start_thread' instead. Additional keyword args are transmitted to the callback. For the caller, the main difference with RedisConnector.register() is that it does not return a new thread.", FutureWarning, ) dummy_thread = Mock(spec=threading.Thread) dummy_thread.start.side_effet = lambda: self.register( topics, patterns, cb, threaded, **kwargs ) return dummy_thread