Source code for bec_lib.config_helper

This module provides a helper class for updating and saving the BEC device configuration.

from __future__ import annotations

import datetime
import json
import os
import pathlib
import time
import uuid
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING

import yaml

import bec_lib
from bec_lib import messages
from bec_lib.bec_errors import DeviceConfigError, ServiceConfigError
from bec_lib.bec_yaml_loader import yaml_load
from bec_lib.endpoints import MessageEndpoints
from bec_lib.file_utils import DeviceConfigWriter
from bec_lib.logger import bec_logger
from bec_lib.messages import DeviceConfigMessage, RequestResponseMessage

    from bec_lib.redis_connector import RedisConnector

logger = bec_logger.logger

[docs] class ConfigHelper: """Config Helper""" def __init__(self, connector: RedisConnector, service_name: str = None) -> None: """Helper class for updating and saving the BEC device configuration. Args: connector (RedisConnector): Redis connector. service_name (str, optional): Name of the service. Defaults to None. """ self.connector = connector self._service_name = service_name self.writer_mixin = None self._base_path_recovery = None
[docs] def update_session_with_file(self, file_path: str, save_recovery: bool = True) -> None: """Update the current session with a yaml file from disk. Args: file_path (str): Full path to the yaml file. save_recovery (bool, optional): Save the current session before updating. Defaults to True. """ if save_recovery: time_stamp = f"{}" if not self._base_path_recovery: self._update_base_path_recovery() if os.path.exists(self._base_path_recovery) is False: self.writer_mixin.create_directory(self._base_path_recovery) fname = os.path.join(self._base_path_recovery, f"recovery_config_{time_stamp}.yaml") success = self._save_config_to_file(fname, raise_on_error=False) if success: print(f"A recovery config was written to {fname}.") config = self._load_config_from_file(file_path) self.send_config_request(action="set", config=config)
def _update_base_path_recovery(self): """ Compile the filepath for the recovery configs. """ # pylint: disable=import-outside-toplevel from bec_lib.bec_service import SERVICE_CONFIG service_cfg = SERVICE_CONFIG.config["service_config"].get("log_writer", None) if not service_cfg: raise ServiceConfigError( f"ServiceConfig {service_cfg} must at least contain key with 'log_writer'" ) self.writer_mixin = DeviceConfigWriter(service_cfg) self._base_path_recovery = self.writer_mixin.get_recovery_directory() self.writer_mixin.create_directory(self._base_path_recovery) def _load_config_from_file(self, file_path: str) -> dict: data = {} if pathlib.Path(file_path).suffix not in (".yaml", ".yml"): raise NotImplementedError with open(file_path, "r", encoding="utf-8") as stream: try: data = yaml_load(stream) logger.trace( f"Loaded new config from disk: {json.dumps(data, sort_keys=True, indent=4)}" ) except yaml.YAMLError as err: logger.error(f"Error while loading config from disk: {repr(err)}") return data
[docs] def save_current_session(self, file_path: str): """Save the current session as a yaml file to disk. Args: file_path (str): Full path to the yaml file. """ self._save_config_to_file(file_path) print(f"Config was written to {file_path}.")
def _save_config_to_file(self, file_path: str, raise_on_error: bool = True) -> bool: config = self.connector.get(MessageEndpoints.device_config()) if not config: if raise_on_error: raise DeviceConfigError("No config found in the session.") return False config = config.content["resource"] out = {} for dev in config: dev.pop("id", None) dev.pop("createdAt", None) dev.pop("createdBy", None) dev.pop("sessionId", None) name = dev.pop("name") out[name] = dev with open(file_path, "w") as file: file.write(yaml.dump(out)) return True
[docs] def send_config_request(self, action: str = "update", config=None) -> None: """ send request to update config Returns: """ if action in ["update", "add", "set"] and not config: raise DeviceConfigError(f"Config cannot be empty for an {action} request.") RID = str(uuid.uuid4()) self.connector.send( MessageEndpoints.device_config_request(), DeviceConfigMessage(action=action, config=config, metadata={"RID": RID}), ) reply = self.wait_for_config_reply(RID) if not reply.content["accepted"] and not reply.metadata.get("updated_config"): raise DeviceConfigError( f"Failed to update the config: {reply.content['message']}. No devices were updated." ) try: if not reply.content["accepted"] and reply.metadata.get("updated_config"): raise DeviceConfigError( f"Failed to update the config: {reply.content['message']}. The old config will be kept in the device config history." ) if "failed_devices" in reply.metadata: print("Failed to update the config for some devices.") for dev in reply.metadata["failed_devices"]: print( f"Device {dev} failed to update:\n {reply.metadata['failed_devices'][dev]}." ) devices = [dev for dev in reply.metadata["failed_devices"]] raise DeviceConfigError( f"Failed to update the config for some devices. The following devices were disabled: {devices}." ) finally: # wait for the device server and scan server to acknowledge the config change self.wait_for_service_response(RID)
[docs] def wait_for_service_response(self, RID: str, timeout=10) -> messages.ServiceResponseMessage: """ wait for service response Args: RID (str): request id timeout (int, optional): timeout in seconds. Defaults to 10. Returns: ServiceResponseMessage: reply message """ elapsed_time = 0 max_time = timeout while True: service_messages = self.connector.lrange(MessageEndpoints.service_response(RID), 0, -1) if not service_messages: time.sleep(0.005) elapsed_time += 0.005 else: ack_services = [ msg.content["response"]["service"] for msg in service_messages if msg is not None ] checked_services = set(["DeviceServer", "ScanServer"]) if self._service_name: checked_services.add(self._service_name) if checked_services.issubset(set(ack_services)): break if elapsed_time > max_time: if service_messages: raise DeviceConfigError( "Timeout reached whilst waiting for config change to be acknowledged." f" Received {service_messages}." ) raise DeviceConfigError( "Timeout reached whilst waiting for config change to be acknowledged. No" " messages received." )
[docs] def wait_for_config_reply(self, RID: str, timeout=10) -> RequestResponseMessage: """ wait for config reply Args: RID (str): request id timeout (int, optional): timeout in seconds. Defaults to 10. Returns: RequestResponseMessage: reply message """ start = 0 while True: msg = self.connector.get(MessageEndpoints.device_config_request_response(RID)) if msg is None: time.sleep(0.01) start += 0.01 if start > timeout: raise DeviceConfigError("Timeout reached whilst waiting for config reply.") continue return msg
[docs] def load_demo_config(self): """Load BEC device demo_config.yaml for simulation.""" dir_path = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(bec_lib.__file__), "./configs/")) fpath = os.path.join(dir_path, "demo_config.yaml") self.update_session_with_file(fpath)